The Cool Way to Search Text

Welcome to the second post from my collaboration with @chrismattman. We were both intrigued when Google announced a significant upgrade to their search algorithm in late 2019. The technique is super cool, inspired by the human brain, redefining how we search for text, images, music, and more. [Read More]

The Ultimate Speed Reader

Why speed read this, you ask? Learn how AI can plow through an inbox at superhuman speeds. Let an AI summarize and help you focus. That’s what I need. [Read More]

Audio like a Boss

Shortly before shelter in place restrictions, I was on a Hangout with Kelsey Hightower. He pops onto the call with a podcast microphone, those fancy audio headsets, and amazing lighting. The sound quality was professional, over the top. He sounded like a radio DJ. I definitely wanted that! [Read More]

How to Build an AI

I have a mental model for AI. I find the model useful for understanding deeply complex, mathematical techniques as well as abstract, high-level coding in AI programs. If you’ve never really understood what a “tensor” was, or how “TensorFlow” got its name, this post is for you. To me, “tensors”... [Read More]

Weekly Summary - No. 6

Honey, clean the extra bedroom! Space guests are coming. Astronauts on the International Space Station conducted a space walk recently to install a new docking port for commercial guests. I guess you could say that AirBnB has now reached the heavens. A friend of mine recently purchased a ride to... [Read More]